cisco aci eve-ng

Short overview about Cisco Aci Eve-Ng and what's good to know about.


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Cisco ACI EVE-NG is a powerful network emulation tool that can be used to create and simulate complex network environments. EVE-NG is based on the popular open source network emulator QEMU and provides a user-friendly web interface for easy configuration and management.

Cisco ACI EVE-NG can be used to create and simulate a variety of network topologies and scenarios, making it an ideal tool for network testing, troubleshooting, and training.

EVE-NG is available as a free download from the Cisco website.


Cisco ACI EVE-NG provides a comprehensive set of features for network emulation, including:

  • Support for a wide range of network devices and technologies
  • User-friendly web interface
  • Powerful network emulation capabilities
  • Flexible configuration and management
  • Comprehensive documentation and support
  • Free download from Cisco website


Cisco ACI EVE-NG is a powerful network emulation tool that can be used to create and simulate complex network environments. EVE-NG is based on the popular open source network emulator QEMU and provides a user-friendly web interface for easy configuration and management.

Cisco ACI EVE-NG can be used to create and simulate a variety of network topologies and scenarios, making it an ideal tool for network testing, troubleshooting, and training.

EVE-NG is available as a free download from the Cisco website.

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