cisco aci apic compatibility matrix

Short overview about Cisco Aci Apic Compatibility Matrix and what's good to know about.

The Cisco ACI APIC Compatibility Matrix provides a guide for users who want to know which versions of the APIC software are compatible with which versions of the Cisco ACI software. This guide covers the following topics:

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-Cisco ACI Release Notes -Cisco APIC Release Notes -Cisco ACI Upgrade Paths -Cisco APIC Upgrade Paths

The Cisco ACI APIC Compatibility Matrix is updated as new versions of the software are released. Users are advised to check the matrix regularly for the most up-to-date information.

Cisco ACI Release Notes:

The Cisco ACI Release Notes provide information about new features, bug fixes, and known issues for each release of the Cisco ACI software.

Cisco APIC Release Notes:

The Cisco APIC Release Notes provide information about new features, bug fixes, and known issues for each release of the Cisco APIC software.

Cisco ACI Upgrade Paths:

The Cisco ACI Upgrade Paths document provides information about the recommended upgrade paths for Cisco ACI software.

Cisco APIC Upgrade Paths:

The Cisco APIC Upgrade Paths document provides information about the recommended upgrade paths for Cisco APIC software.

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