fault F672291

How to resolve fault F672291 with the name fsmFailFvEPgEpP

Cisco System Model: Fault fsmFailFvEPgEpP

Cisco System Model: Class ifc:policymgr:FvEPgEpP

This pages provides an overview over ACI Fault: F672291

Explanation: This fault is raised when configuration of endpoint profile definition (EpP) fails
Recommended Action: This is an internal system task. This task is automatically retried. If you see repeated failures, collect tech-support file and contact Cisco TAC.

Raised on MO: fv:EPg
Fault Name: fsmFailFvEPgEpP

Unqualified API Name: EpP

Code: F672291
Applied Mo DN Format

Type: config
Cause: crash-suspect
Severity: critical
Weight: 100
Message: None
Help: None
Triggered By: None

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