cisco aci Zone

Short overview about Cisco Aci Zone and what's good to know about.

Cisco ACI Zoning

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The Cisco ACI Zoning feature allows you to configure logical groupings, or zones, of endpoints within the Cisco ACI fabric. You can use zones to simplify management of the Cisco ACI fabric and to enforce security and other policies.

Configuring zones is a three-step process:

  1. Create a zone.

  2. Add endpoints to the zone.

  3. Configure zone-based policies.

Cisco ACI Zoning Benefits

The Cisco ACI Zoning feature provides the following benefits:

-Simplifies management of the Cisco ACI fabric

-Enables you to enforce security and other policies

-Improves performance by reducing the number of hops between endpoints

-Reduces broadcast traffic

How to Configure Cisco ACI Zoning

Follow these steps to configure Cisco ACI zoning:

  1. Create a zone.

  2. Add endpoints to the zone.

  3. Configure zone-based policies.

Creating a Zone

To create a zone, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Cisco ACI fabric.

  2. Go to the Fabric > Zones page.

  3. Click the Add button.

  4. Enter a name for the zone.

  5. Select the type of zone you want to create.

  6. Click the Save button.

Adding Endpoints to a Zone

To add endpoints to a zone, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Cisco ACI fabric.

  2. Go to the Fabric > Zones page.

  3. Click the zone you want to add endpoints to.

  4. Click the Endpoints tab.

  5. Select the endpoints you want to add to the zone.

  6. Click the Add button.

Configuring Zone-Based Policies

To configure zone-based policies, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the Cisco ACI fabric.

  2. Go to the Fabric > Zones page.

  3. Click the zone you want to configure policies for.

  4. Click the Policies tab.

  5. Select the policy you want to configure.

  6. Configure the policy settings.

  7. Click the Save button.

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