cisco aci Upgrade

Short overview about Cisco Aci Upgrade and what's good to know about.

Cisco ACI Upgrade

Read more related to Cisco ACI: Cisco aci firewall
Cisco announced an upgrade to its Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) that includes new hardware and software enhancements. The new ACI version, 3.0, offers a number of benefits over the previous version, including increased performance, enhanced security, and greater flexibility.

The new hardware enhancements include a new line of switches that offer up to 2.56 Tbps of aggregate bandwidth. The new software enhancements include an updated policy model that provides more granular control over application traffic, as well as new automation and orchestration features.

The Cisco ACI 3.0 upgrade provides a number of benefits that will be of interest to IT organizations looking to improve the performance, security, and flexibility of their data center infrastructure.

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