cisco aci or vmware Nsx

Short overview about Cisco Aci or Vmware Nsx and what's good to know about.

When it comes to network virtualization, two of the most popular choices are Cisco ACI and VMware NSX. Both have their pros and cons, but which one is the best for your organization?

Read more related to Cisco ACI: Cisco aci apic ordering guide
Cisco ACI is a good choice for organizations that are already using Cisco products and are comfortable with the Cisco command line interface. ACI is also a good choice for organizations that want to use hardware from multiple vendors, as it supports a wide range of vendors. However, ACI can be complex to configure and manage, and it doesn’t have as many features as NSX.

VMware NSX is a good choice for organizations that want a more user-friendly interface and don’t mind paying a bit more for it. NSX also has more features than ACI, such as micro-segmentation and security groups. However, NSX only supports VMware vSphere, so it’s not a good choice for organizations that use other virtualization platforms.

So, which one is the best? It depends on your organization’s needs. If you’re already using Cisco products and are comfortable with the Cisco CLI, ACI may be the best choice. If you want a more user-friendly interface and don’t mind paying a bit more, NSX may be the best choice.

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