cisco aci or Nsx

Short overview about Cisco Aci or Nsx and what's good to know about.

In computer networking, Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) is an architecture that centralizes application policy enforcement and simplifies network operations. ACI is an integrated system of software, hardware, and storage that enables end-to-end application visibility, security, and policy-based automation from the data center to the cloud.

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Cisco ACI uses a centralized policy model to manage application traffic flows across the network. This policy model is based on the principle of least privilege, which states that each user or process should have the minimum amount of access necessary to perform its tasks. By centrally managing application traffic flows, Cisco ACI reduces the risk of human error and improves network security.

Cisco ACI also simplifies network operations. ACI-enabled devices can be provisioned and configured automatically, without the need for manual intervention. This reduces the need for highly skilled network engineers, and enables businesses to deploy new applications quickly and easily.

Cisco ACI is an ideal solution for businesses that are looking to simplify their network operations and improve their security posture. ACI-enabled devices are available now and Cisco is committed to supporting the ecosystem of ACI-ready applications and hardware.

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