cisco aci keyring

Short overview about Cisco Aci Keyring and what's good to know about.

Cisco ACI uses a keyring to authenticate communication between the APIC and other devices in the fabric. The keyring consists of a shared secret, called a key, that is used to encrypt and decrypt messages. The key is generated by the APIC and is stored on the controller and on each device in the keyring.

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When a message is sent from the APIC to a device, the APIC encrypts the message using the key. The device decrypts the message using the key and then processes the message. When a message is sent from a device to the APIC, the device encrypts the message using the key. The APIC decrypts the message using the key and then processes the message.

The keyring is used to authenticate the APIC to devices in the fabric and to authenticate devices to the APIC. The keyring is also used to encrypt and decrypt messages between the APIC and devices in the fabric.

The keyring is a critical part of the Cisco ACI security model. The keyring provides the foundation for authenticating and encrypting communication between the APIC and devices in the fabric.

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