cisco aci asymmetric routing

Short overview about Cisco Aci Asymmetric Routing and what's good to know about.

Asymmetric routing is a term used to describe a routing configuration where traffic from a given source to a given destination can take different paths depending on the direction of the traffic flow. In other words, traffic from point A to point B might take one path, while traffic from point B to point A might take a different path.

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While this might seem like a strange way to configure a network, there are actually a number of benefits to asymmetric routing. For one, it can help to improve network performance by allowing traffic to take the most efficient path possible. Additionally, it can provide redundancy in the event that one of the paths becomes unavailable.

One of the most common uses for asymmetric routing is with link load balancing. In this scenario, traffic is sent over multiple links in an effort to distribute the load evenly. This can help to improve network performance and reliability.

Another common use for asymmetric routing is with policy-based routing. In this case, traffic is routed based on specific criteria, such as the source or destination of the traffic. This can be used to implement security policies or to route traffic based on specific quality of service requirements.

Overall, asymmetric routing can be a helpful tool in a number of different situations. It can improve network performance, provide redundancy, and even help to implement security policies. If you’re looking for a way to improve your network, asymmetric routing might be worth considering.

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