cisco aci and vmware Nsx

Short overview about Cisco Aci and Vmware Nsx and what's good to know about.

The next big thing in data center networking is software-defined networking (SDN). And the two big players in SDN are Cisco ACI and VMware NSX.

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Cisco ACI is a standards-based, policy-driven SDN solution that automates network provisioning and management. It offers a single point of control and visibility for physical and virtual resources, making it ideal for hybrid cloud environments.

VMware NSX is a software-defined networking platform that enables the virtualization of network services. It offers a comprehensive set of features and capabilities, making it a popular choice for data center networking.

So, which one is right for you?

Here’s a look at the key differences between Cisco ACI and VMware NSX:

Cisco ACI is a standards-based SDN solution that automates network provisioning and management.

VMware NSX is a software-defined networking platform that enables the virtualization of network services.

Cisco ACI offers a single point of control and visibility for physical and virtual resources, making it ideal for hybrid cloud environments.

VMware NSX offers a comprehensive set of features and capabilities, making it a popular choice for data center networking.

Cisco ACI uses a leaf-and-spine architecture, while VMware NSX uses a distributed logical router architecture.

Cisco ACI supports multiple tenants, while VMware NSX supports a single tenant.

Cisco ACI offers a centralized management model, while VMware NSX offers a decentralized management model.

So, which SDN solution is right for you? It depends on your specific needs and requirements. If you’re looking for a standards-based SDN solution that automates network provisioning and management, Cisco ACI is a good choice. If you’re looking for a software-defined networking platform that enables the virtualization of network services, VMware NSX is a good choice.

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