cisco aci Aep what

Short overview about Cisco Aci Aep What Is and what's good to know about.


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Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) is an architecture that enables application agility and data center automation. ACI is built on the principle of network virtualization and application abstraction. The Cisco ACI Anywhere solution allows you to extend the benefits of ACI beyond the data center to distributed locations, remote sites, and the cloud.

The Cisco ACI Anywhere solution is composed of the following components:

• Cisco ACI Multi-Site Manager—A centralized management system that provides a single point of control and policy management for multiple ACI fabrics.

• Cisco ACI Border Gateway—A gateway device that connects an ACI fabric to an external network.

• Cisco ACI Site—A collection of ACI devices, including leaf and spine switches, that are deployed at a single location.

The Cisco ACI Anywhere solution provides the following benefits:

• Application agility—The ACI Anywhere solution enables you to quickly deploy and scale applications across multiple sites.

• Data center automation—The ACI Anywhere solution enables you to centrally manage and automate the provisioning of network and security policies.

• Reduced complexity—The ACI Anywhere solution simplifies network management by providing a single point of control for multiple ACI fabrics.

• Increased availability—The ACI Anywhere solution provides high availability and disaster recovery capabilities.

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