fault F1603

How to resolve fault F1603 with the name fltIpv6AddrIpv6CfgCtrl

Cisco System Model: Fault fltIpv6AddrIpv6CfgCtrl

Cisco System Model: Class ifc:eventmgr:fltIpv6AddrIpv6CfgCtrl

This pages provides an overview over ACI Fault: F1603

Explanation: This fault is caused by a hardware programming failure
Recommended Action: The system will periodically retry to program the hardware. If the failure is due to lack of hardware resources, free up resources by removing or simplifying existing configuration. One of the reasons for lack of hardware resources is exhaustion of VLANs in ToR. These hardware resources can be examined by looking at capacity dashboard under OPERATIONS tab. Please check entry against the number of VLANs in output of command show vlan summary issued at node where fault is generated to check whether it exceeds above advertised node capacity.

Raised on MO: ipv6:Addr
Fault Name: fltIpv6AddrIpv6CfgCtrl

Unqualified API Name: ipv6CfgCtrl

Code: F1603
Applied Mo DN Format

  • topology/pod-[id]/node-[id]/sys/ipv6/inst/dom-[name]/if-[id]/addr-[addr]
  • sys/ipv6/inst/dom-[name]/if-[id]/addr-[addr]

Type: config
Cause: config-failure
Severity: warning
Weight: 100
Message: None
Help: None
Triggered By: ipv6CfgState not equals 0

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