fault F1558

How to resolve fault F1558 with the name fltSpanAcctSessionOverflown

Cisco System Model: Fault fltSpanAcctSessionOverflown

Cisco System Model: Class ifc:policyelem:fltSpanAcctSessionOverflown

This pages provides an overview over ACI Fault: F1558

Explanation: This fault is raised when the number of span sessions deployed exceeds the maximum number allowed .
Recommended Action: If you see this fault, take the following actions:

Raised on MO: span:Acct
Fault Name: fltSpanAcctSessionOverflown

Unqualified API Name: sessionOverflown

Code: F1558
Applied Mo DN Format

  • topology/pod-[id]/node-[id]/sys/acct
  • sys/acct

Type: config
Cause: session-overflown
Severity: major
Weight: 100
Message: None
Help: None
Triggered By: sessionNum greater than 48u

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